Divorce in Thailand

What if it doesn't work anymore?

In Thailand, divorces are characterized by a difficult interplay of legal regulations and cultural influences. While traditional marriage is considered sacred in Thailand, the increasing number of divorces reflects changes in social norms and lifestyles, especially in urban areas.

Thai divorce law makes a basic distinction between two types of divorce: divorce by mutual consent and divorce through the courts. A divorce by mutual consent requires the agreement of both spouses and can be carried out in a more or less simple procedure as long as there are no contentious issues. In contrast, a judicial divorce requires the filing of a petition with a court and can be more complicated, especially when it comes to issues of property, child custody or financial matters.

The grounds for divorce under Thai law can be varied, including adultery, addiction or even separation over a long period of time. Although the country is strongly influenced by Buddhist values, these do not always play a prominent role in legal matters, although they often carry greater weight in resolving conflicts within the family.

A significant challenge concering a divorce in Thailand are property issues. Under the law, property acquired during the marriage is generally considered to be the joint property of both partners unless there are clear agreements to the contrary. This often leads to difficult discussions about the division of assets.

Divorce in Thailand is therefore a complicated interplay of legal procedures and cultural aspects. The increasing number of divorces reflects the changes in society and highlights the challenges of balancing traditional values with modern realities.

We are happy to advise and support you in your desire for your divorce in Thailand.

In most cases, this is only possible if the marriage between a German and a Thai was also concluded and registered here in Thailand. If the marriage was entered into in Germany, you can only get a divorce here in Thailand if the marriage was also registered with the Thai authorities.

A further requirement for a divorce in Thailand is that both parties agree to the divorce, or to the agreed settlement amount for the wife, and that a divorce convention written in two languages is available.

If the marriage has produced children, future custody and the corresponding maintenance payments must also be agreed in advance. The divorce documents must then be translated into German and submitted to the German embassy to complete the divorce in Thailand.

Our service package includes:

  • All administrative preparation and scheduling
  • Divorce Convention in Two Languages (German / Thai)
  • The official divorce with the associated documents
  • Translation costs for all documents

Complete service package "divorce" from € 980.-

We at Swiss Helping Point have many years of experience and have assisted in countless divorces. Although the event itself is unpleasant, in most cases it ultimately represents a release from a long-lasting, stressful situation. With our help, you can achieve a new freedom. Close the old chapter and embark on a new phase of your life full of possibilities and opportunities. Our experienced team will be by your side throughout the process to ensure that your interests are properly represented and that you can look to the future with a sense of certainty and confidence. We understand the complexities and emotions associated with divorce and are here to offer you professional support and advice to help you make this transition as smooth as possible.
Unfortunately, we cannot heal broken hearts, but we can make the already cumbersome formal part of this process as easy as possible for you. So you can take comfort in knowing that the legal part of your divorce in Thailand will be handled reliably and seriously.

Get in touch with us right now for further informations and assistance.

Divorce in Thailand – Swiss Helping Point

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