Annual visa for Thailand

Are you a happy private person, early retiree or are you planning a sabbatical or simply a longer time-out? If you are over 50 years old, it is possible to apply for an annual visa for Thailand and thus remain in the country for a longer period of time without having to leave the country in the meantime.

Whether you seek solace in the tranquil Thai landscapes, aspire to immerse yourself in its vibrant culture, or simply desire an extended hiatus from the rigors of daily life, an annual visa for Thailand could be your gateway to a fulfilling journey. Tailored for individuals aged 50 and above, this visa affords the opportunity to reside in Thailand for an extended duration, unfettered by the need for frequent departures.

Harnessing over two decades of expertise, our seasoned team stands ready to guide and facilitate your visa application process, ensuring seamless transitions and uninterrupted stays. Let us navigate the intricacies of bureaucracy while you savor the allure of Thailand’s enchanting vistas and cultural tapestry.

With more than 24 years of experience, we are happy to advise and support you so that your annual visa for Thailand works.

Requirements for annual visa for Thailand

Depending on the situation and personal circumstances of a person, different strategies come into question in relation to emigration or simply the longer stay in the kingdom.

There are several different types of visas with corresponding advantages but also disadvantages, which more or less fits the situation of an individual person, because accordingly different requirements must be met. Careful planning from Switzerland, or a strong local partner are crucial here.

For example, most types of long-stay visas require the applicant to have a Thai bank account with a stated capital of THB 800,000. In addition, health insurance may also be required.

Here, the question quickly arises whether Thailand should simply become the second home, or definitely the new adopted country with a permanent settlement.

In addition to the strategic decision to burn all bridges at home in Switzerland, which is then also the deregistration in Switzerland with corresponding loss of health insurance and possibly even the bank accounts in connection, the choice of the appropriate visa here is of significant importance.

TR, O-A, Non-O, which visa should I choose?

As mentioned above, there are different types of visas with different advantages and disadvantages. Below we list the main types that we can assist in obtaining.

Tourist (TR): Entitles entry for 60 days with one-time extension to 90 days at a local immigration office. This type of visa is not an annual visa for Thailand! Here is currently under discussion whether already with the entry stamps on arrival without a visa is granted a longer duration of stay. Swiss Helping Point will keep you up to date in the blog.

Long stay (O-A): Entitles to stay in the Kingdom for one year. Among other requirements, the most important point to mention here is a recognized health insurance, which is required to obtain this visa. Swiss Helping Point is happy to advise and mediate in this regard.

Non-Immigrant O: Entitles to stay in Thailand for 90 days with the possibility to extend this to one year (retirement visa), this is often referred to as the classic retirement visa. Health insurance, for example, is not required here, but a corresponding proof of capital or pension as with the long stay (O-A).

We at Swiss Helping Point with our over 24 years of experience are happy to advise and support you so that it works out with your annual visa for Thailand. We help you in Switzerland with the first application, which is only possible online since 2019. Of course, we are also at your side in Thailand when it comes to extending your existing visa.

Annual visa for Thailand – Swiss Helping Point

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